Saturday, August 9, 2014

Leak test and shopping for fish stuff!!

Today I went to buy some fish stuff. I bought foam for my tank that I had posted previously that I had cleaned up. 4ft foam piece was $6.50 from vebas. I also picked up a new sicce air pump. It's reasonably quiet and I chose that brand as its the same as the pump that I'm using in my pond which is completely submersed and quiet.

I also picked up a new sponge filter from Rob ' s aquarium in Malaga.  So far!! It wasn't that great but it had cheap accessories. The sponge filter was only $5 compared to city farmers etc which was around $15.

So the tank is now filled, will leave it for about a week or so to make sure it's all good and strong.  In the mean time I am seeding my sponge filter in my pond so that when I am ready to set up my aquarium it will be cycled :) something I have learned is that cycling your tank or taking seeded filters is very important and will just make your life easier! I for one try not to waste water if I can avoid it. Hence the reason I don't use the python for water changes etc

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