This is just a quick post on my first ranchu fry spawn. I'm still not 100% sure who the parent fish are. Lol I think any spawn after this batch I'll definitely control the mating goldfish. For me since it was my first time I just wanted to try and get the highest firtilisation success rate.
Below are a few photos of my set up (yup back in the laundry again haha) and the fry swimming around.
I have started culling the runt fry. Pretty much the ones that haven't grown at all since hatching. Also there were fry that natural died and did not develop their swim bladder properly. Honestly I will be happy with even 10 decent fish. I know most of my ranchus are not even a year old and the ones from the LFS I doubt are much older than that.
Anyway - they are on BBS (baby brine shrimp) and crushed Hikari lion head pellets in between when I'm waiting for the BBS to hatch (yes I know I should be running two hatcheries for the BBR but I'm just lazy :p)