Sunday, September 14, 2014

Goldfish eggs

After 8 days of waiting and waiting, my second batch of eggs that I managed to save from the pond have finally hatched!
It was really interesting to see the development, especially when I had no idea that any would be firtilised at all!!

So what I learnt...

- once you see your goldfish chasing each other, provide some sort of spawning material that you can easily remove when they are done. I made those DIY spawning mops out of wool. Very inexpensive and works but hard to keep clean. Apparently those plastic cheer leader pom poms are a great and better alternative.

- remove eggs when you see them, as goldfish are silly and will eat their own eggs.

- use methylene blue to avoid fungus eggs.

- by about 3rd day should start seeing little dots and line growing inside.

- when they hatch they look like mosquito larvae more than fish :p they will move around a bit but then sink to the bottom

- water change 25% everyday but have to be very careful and gentle.

I will need to start setting up a baby brine shrimp hatchery soon. A lot of work ahead of me for the next month or so...

Photos below:
Showing some fungus eggs that are not firtilised.  Those are from my tank which only has 1 male and 1 female telescope. The male is still very young and small. I was surprised the female has laid eggs twice now!

Little sample of eggs and green hair algae

Little stick fry!

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