Saturday, August 8, 2015

My pond filter set up

I changed my pond filter set up so thought I'd take a few photos.
Before I had a big bucket that sat inside the pond that was full of my media.
While it worked perfectly fine it just wasn't very convenient pulling a heavy bucket out every week or two to give the media a rinse.

After a few months of that I found these vertical garden pots that hung perfectly along the side of my pond.
So bought a few pvc pipes to connect it all up and it's what I have been using for the past year. It's much easier to access the media as I don't have to carry anything or turn anything off.

In the photo below I have separated my plant into 2. I love this plant as it is so hardy and grows new leaves quickly. Also has nice white flowers during the summer.

I initially had them in a pot sitting in the pond. But again was very inconvenient having to pull them out everytime to give them a wash through. (I'm a bit weary of anaerobic bacteria growing inside my pond as I have lost a few ranchus due to it)

So instead I purchased another pot and let them sit in some lava rocks. This was water is continuously passing through them rather than sitting stagnant.

This set up will probably change again during the spring and summer seasons. My grand plan at the end of is to have a visually pleasing aquaponic incorporated with my pond. That's the idea anyway.

A lot of it is trial and error. What works and what you find later doesn't work.
That's what's so enjoyable about the hobby I think, that it's continually evolving. :)

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